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Reading Weather Contractions
A altimeter when preceding four digits (METAR)
A absolute (temperature)
A Alaskan standard time (time groups only)
A arctic (air mass)
A01 automated observation without precipitation discriminator (METAR)
A02 automated observation with precipitation discriminator (METAR)
AAWF auxiliary aviation weather facility
AC altocumulus
ACC altocumulus castellanus (ICAO)
ACCAS altocumulus castellanus
ACSL standing lenticular altocumulus
ACYC anticyclonic (right turning)
ADRNDCK Adirondack
ADV advise
ADVCTN advection
ADVY advisory
AFC area forecast center
AFDK after dark
ALF aloft
ALGHNY Allegheny
ALQDS all quadrants
ALSEC all sectors
ALTA Alberta
ALUTN Aleutian
ALWF actual wind factor
AM ante meridian
ADM amended forecast (TAF)
AMPLTD amplitude
AMS air mass
AMS American Meteorological Society
ANLYS analysis
APLCN Appalachian
AS altostratus
ASOS automated surface observing system
ATLC Atlantic
AURBO aurora borealis
AUTO automated (METAR)
AWOS automatic weather observing/reporting system
AWP aviation weather processors
B beginning of precipitation (minutes) Weather reports only.
B Bering standard time only in time groups
BACLIN baroclinic prognosis
BATROP barotropic prognosis
BC patches (METAR)
BC British Columbia
BCFG patchy fog
BCH beach
BDA Bermuda
BECMG becoming (expected between 2-digit hour and 2-digit ending hour) TAF
BFDK before dark
BINOVC breaks in overcast
BKN broken
BL between layers
BL blowing
BULD build
BLDU blowing dust
BLDUP build up
BLKHLS Black Hills
BLKT blanket
BLO below (ICAO)
BLO below clouds ((METAR)
BLSA blowing sand(METAR)
BLSN blowing snow (METAR)
BLW below (icao)
BNDRY boundary
BOVC base of overcast
BR mist (METAR)
BRF brief
BRK break
BRKHIC breaks in higher overcast
BRKSHR Berkshire
BRM barometer
BTL between layers
BTWN between
BY blowing spray (METAR) weather reports only.
C central standard time (Time groups only)
C continental (air mass)
CA clear above (PIREP only)
CAN Canada
CARIB Caribbean
CASCDS Cascades
CAVOK ceiling and visibility OK (METAR)
CAVU clear or scattered clouds and visibility over ten miles
CAWS common aviation weather sub-system
CB cumulonimbus
CBMAM cumulonimbus mammatus
CC cirrocumulus
CCLKWS counterclockwise
CCSL standing lenticular cirrocumulus
CDFNT cold front
CFP cold front passage
CHARC characteristic
CHC chance
CHSPK Chesapeake
CI cirrus
CIG ceiling
CLD cloud
CLR clear
CLRS clear and smooth
CNCL cancel
CNDN Canadian
CNVTV convective
CONFDC confidence
CONT continue or continuously
CONTDVD continental divide
CONTRAILS condensation trails
COR correction to the observation
CS cirrostratus
CST coast
CTGY category
CTSKLS Catskills
CU cumulus
CUFRA cumulus fractus
CYC cyclonic
CYCLGN cydogenesis
DABRK daybreak
DCAVU CAVU with remainder of report missing
DKTS Dakotas
DMSH diminish
DNS dense
DNSLP downslope
DNSTRM downstream
DP deep
DPNG deepening
DPTH depth
DR low drifting (METAR)
DRFT drift
DRSA low drifting sand (METAR)
DRSN low drifting snow (MEYAR)
DRZL drizzle
DS dust storm (METAR)
DSIPT dissipate
DTLN international dateline
DTRT deteriorate
DU widespread dust (METAR)
DURC during climb (PIREP)
DURD during descent (PIREP)
DVV downward vertical velocity
DWNDFTS downdrafts
DWPNT dew point
DZ drizzle (METAR)

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