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Cockpit Organization
Constant improvement in checklists and:
--Loose items secured but available—tie down luggage
--Passenger briefing for belts, harness and emergencies.

--Seats, belts, doors
--Key, prime, C.H., mixture
--"Clear", window, area check, brakes

Knowledge of priming, mixture, jump-starts, hand starts
--Positions aircraft, use of checklist
--RPM, mixture, Frequencies, X-ponder standby, ATIS

(Not PTS)
Starting Fire Emergency
# 1(Aircraft now owned by insurance company.)
–Brakes are on during start
–Engine running with smoke and fire
--Mixture out, throttle in (uses up fuel, blows out fire)
--Fuel selector off, magnetos and master off
--Exit aircraft to rear.

#2 --Engine has not started but fire, smoke out exhaust
--Pull mixture but keep cranking engine to draw in flames
–Selector off, mags and electrical off
--Open door while still cranking, exit to rear of aircraft.

Pre-taxi + radio
--Route, Rehearsal, Controls
--Incursion avoidance

--Power, brake check, yoke positions
--Into wind, conserve space

--Divides attention
--Into wind, controls, brakes
--Power, Magnetos, and C.H.
–Radios set,

Pre-takeoff + radio
--Configuration, X-ponder on, re-position, mixture
--Clear final and bases, call-up, clearance

Normal takeoff climb,
–Controls set for wind direction
–Clears bases and final prior to taking runway
--Positions aircraft on centerline with yoke set for wind
--Smooth full power application with appropriate rudder and yoke pitch.
--Lift of at minimum speed and accelerates to Vy and climb attitude at Vy +10 + 5 kts
– Holds centerline extension with wind correction throughout
--Complies with local rules for turns and noise abatement
–Uses checklist

Normal crosswind takeoff
–Controls set for wind direction, yoke held back
–Clears bases and final prior to taking runway
--Positions aircraft on centerline with yoke set back and for wind
--Smooth full power application with appropriate (right) rudder in anticipation and yoke pitch steady.
–Nose wheel off ground with yoke and held steady.
--Aircraft lifts off and initiates climb without increase in back yoke
–Completes checklist

Normal crosswind approach and landing
#1 Crab option
–On approach the aircraft is ‘crabbed’ into the wind and approaches the runway at an angle.
--At a normal approach speed the aircraft is rounded out and into the flare.
--Rudder is then applied and a wing lowered into the wind to correct any drifting.
--Properly timed touchdown occurs with the nose aligned on centerline and no side load on the gear.
–Completes checklist

#1 Wing-low slip option
–Throughout the approach the aircraft is flown with nose parallel to the centerline and a wing low.
--This is half a Dutch-roll with the wing low adjusted to keep on the extended centerline nose straight with rudder.
--This particular flight condition is uncomfortable to passengers unfamiliar.
--Airspeed and flaps can be adjusted for best control throughout the approach.
--On ground contact the yoke is held full over and back into the wind.
–Completes checklist

–Smooth is more important than fast.
–Initiated at any point or altitude, no radio call required
–Full power with arm locked to keep nose level, stay low to ground 
--Remove flaps and confirm flap position and C.H., climb at Vy
–Survival rate in the air is far better than during a ground accident.
--Accident rate for student go-around relatively high. Training!!
Completes checklist

Soft-field takeoff, climb
--Controls set for wind direction, flaps according to POH
–Clears bases and final prior to taking runway
--Positions aircraft on centerline with yoke full over for wind
--Smooth full power application with appropriate rudder and yoke keeping nose wheel well clear of ground
--Aircraft lifted off ASAP and held in ground effect the yoke is leveled, pulled so lift off occurs without side loading
–Aircraft is held down in ground effect for acceleration to Vy + and configuration for climb
--Rudder is applied to crab along the runway with coordinated controls to correct for wind drift
–Completes checklist

Soft-field approach and landing
–Assumption is unlimited runway length
--Stabilized, full flap, power on approach
–Selection of landing area
Option #1
–Leave power set above idle and ias per POH, 1.3Vso, +10/-ts
–Round-out, flare, hold off as close and long as possible without drift
--Leave power on, remove flaps, hold nose wheel off
–Add power to keep moving with nose wheel off while clearing soft surface.
–Completes checklist

Option #2
–Make normal approach, round out and flare.
--Reduce power in the flare but prepare to pitch up with added power prior to touchdown.
--Process requires great skill and timing to get the soft touchdown at the right moment.
--Leave power on, remove flaps, hold nose wheel off
–Add power to keep moving with nose wheel off
–Completes checklist

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