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IAF initial approach fix
IAP initial approach procedure
INBD inbound
ID identification
IDENT identify, identifier, idendification
IF intermediate fix
ILS instrument landing system
IM inner marker
IMC instrument meteorlogical conditions
IN inch, inches
INDEFLY indefinitely
INFO information
INOP inoperative
INSTR instrument
INT intersection
INTL international
INTST intensity
IR ice on runway/s
KT knots
L left
LAA local airport advisory
LAT latitude
LAWRS limited aviation weather reporting station
LB pound/poounds
LC local control
LOC local, locally, location
LCTD located
LDA localizer type directional aid
LGT light, lighting
LGTD lighted
LIRL low intensity runway lights
LLWAS low level wind shear alert system
LM compass locator at ILS middle marker
LDG landing
LLZ localizer
LO compass locator at ILS outer marker
LONG longitude
LRN loran
LSR loose snow on runway
LT left turn
MAG magnetic
MAINT maintain, maintenance
MALS medium intensity approach light system
MALSF medium intensity approach light system with sequenced flashers
MALSR medium intensity approach light system with runway alighnment indicator lights
MAPT missed approach point
MCA minimum crossing altitude
MDA minimum descent altitude
MEA minimum enroute altitude
MED medium
MIN minute
MIRL medium intensity runway lights
MKR marker
MLS microwave landing system
MM middle marker
MNM minimum
MNT monitor, monitoring, monitored
MOC minimum obstruction clearance
MON Monday
MRA minimum reception altitude
MSA minimum sector/safe altitude
MSAW minimum safe altitude warning
MSG message
MSL mean sea level
MU MUmeters
MUD mud
MUNI municipal
N noreth
NA not authorized
NAV navigation
NB northbound
NDB nondirectional beacon
NE northeast
NGT lnight
NM nautical miles
NMR nautical mile radius
NONSTD nonstandard
NOPT no procedure turn
NR number
NTAP notice to airmen publication
NW northwest
OBSC oblsucred, obscure, obscuring
OBST obstruction, obstacle
OM outer marker
OPR operator, operation, operative
OPS operation(s)
ORIG original
OVR over
PAEW personel and equipment working
PAPI precision approach path indicator
PAR precision approach radar
PARL parallel
PAT pattern
PAX passengers
PCL pilot controlled lighting
PERM permanent, permanently
PJE parachute jumping exercise
PLA practice low approach
PLW plow, plowed
PN prior notice required
PRN psuedo random noise
PROC procedure
PROP propeller
PSR packed snow on runway
PTCHY patchy
PTN procedure turn
PVT private
R right
RAIL runway alignment indicator lights
RAMOS remote automatic meterological opserving system
RCAG remote communmications air/ground facility
RCL runway center line
RCLL runway centerline light system
RCO remote communications outlet
REC receiver, receive
RENL runway end identifier lights
RELCTD relocated:
REP report
RLLS runway lead-in lights system
RMNDR remainder
RNAV area navigation
RPLC replace
RQRD required
RRL runway remaining lights
RSR en route surveilance radar
RSVN reservation
RT right turn
RTE route
RTR remote trasnsmitter/receiver
RTS return to service
RUF rough
RVR runway visual range
RVRM runway visual range midpoint
RVRR runway visual range rollout
RVRT runway visual range touchdown
RWY runway

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